ROBLOX Film Wiki

Hello everybody, this is Rick120!

Everyone within a 50-block radius of this community will have heard of the controversial ‘Dream Clouds’…

For those who do not know; Dream Clouds is the official collaboration project for both myself as well as the Directional debut of my good friend Madformerspro, the basic idea of the movie involved a little something known as; “Shared-dreaming”…

After multiple plot changes and after a complete overhaul of the script, we began work on filming… Part 1 was released, and we are nowhere close to half-way done with Part 2, which should’ve come out in May, which was pushed to June, now July is coming up, and we have to start another movie in a couple of weeks.

So now the question has been asked; “Is Dream Clouds doomed?”…

Really the answer to that question is down to another question; “Is it worth it?”, because by this point, so much has gone wrong in so many ways, people, schedules, all sorts of things have been battering this movie since filming began back in March, which I believe has really affected the outcome of Part 1 and has in my opinion, likely doomed Parts 2 & 3.

So now this is the point where you ask me, “what’s been going on exactly, Rick?” well allow me to tell you…

===1.       ''The story change ===

Yep that’s right, from the very moment this new story was written for the movie, it seems that people were very unsure about the movie, I may be completely wrong in this, to which- please correct me if I’m wrong… it’s not a big deal, but it’s probably better if I bring it up…

===2.       ''Taking a more stricter approach ===

Now while I was working alongside another director on the movie, I was still in ways the Main director on the set, because I was the one who was both getting the footage and was doing the editing…

Now my followers had always known me as being a nice-guy… the type of guy you’d go down to the pub with for a pint of Carlsberg on the weekend. However, the other directors never, and still don’t, like that, as it gives them the excuse to mess around on set, which is fine and dandy… but then by accident- the footage of an actor messing around with the crouch button on the set of a Vortex Security movie we were working on, made it into the final cut of the movie, which even I have to admit really destroyed the experience… and  they took it a joke, they didn’t care about the tone of the movie being destroyed they were in the damn movie!

After that incident I decided I would start taking on board a more strict-side, and discipline my actors more, which started off really well, and as a result… Currency was born!

So what happened here? Well, all kinds of stuff, let’s move onto the next section for more detail, shall we…?

===3.       ''The incidents during filming ===

Yeah, it’s pretty much the Currency of this generation at this point, that’s how well its known. During two filming sessions, two arguments broke out… the outcome resulted in 1 actor getting fired, 1 receiving a false accusation of starting the first argument, a flame-video, stress and some serious rage quit…

The first argument was just a general argument, like someone was being annoying and everyone simply telling that person to stop, which resulted in the infamous Mastergyrooman accusation, the second revealed the real culprit as Princeofsun2380… who started arguing because his username was not on the poster (even though it was in the small text)…

After trying to calm everyone down, I began talking to the actors present, among them being Olliekins and routess, both were also trying to stop the arguments… all complied except Prince, who continued to whine about the lack of his name on the poster… I confront him about it, and then asked him:

“prince, be quiet please, because if you don’t… you will be kicked/banned and exiled…”

However, he decided it would be a good idea to play smart-donkey and started saying stuff like “I’m going to sleep, wake me when filming continues…”

Naturally I began to feel my blood boil, but I managed to keep it together, just barely, and I said…

“Prince I’m being serious…”

Then he stated something like, so is having his name on the poster… and then after some other words he dropped the Nazi bomb…

*Insert brain explosion here…*

I could’ve flipped, there and then… I kicked and banned him from the set, then I started to get angry, I looked at everyone and reminded them that if they did anything similar they would suffer a similar punishment…

Then I left the set…

===4.       ''The Outcome ===

So after taking a few days off, during which I got went back over the footage of what I had got, which included the first argument, only to learn that Prince was also responsible for that argument, because he continually called people ‘brainless nobs’, or something more offensive, but this is a wiki so… I have my limitations… so I reinstated Mastergyrooman officially and put up an apology.

The remainder of filming continued later that week, but almost immeidatley there was a serious problem… a large number of the people I had my group had left… I had close to 100 member, which had by that point dropped to 85-90 members… and to top it off, it was mainly my most active actors/actresses…

Then I posted shout after shout after shout on my group, saying [FILMING] GO TO THIS PLACE:*Link would normally go here*... maybe of about 11 of the actors who stayed that were online… like 4 to 5 would show up… which wasn’t very bad at first… but after getting close to the 20 Minute mark of the film, we were going to need more people to be present, more extras, all that sort of thing…

Now, bare in mind; when we wrote Dream Clouds, we wrote it as one big film, so out of 20 minutes, we had at least another 50 minutes to do… and there were going to be a lot of extras needed in the later scenes, particularly during the big final dream scene, which involved a futuristic battle of sorts… with only 5 actors, which I should now mention, the number was slowly dropping with every session, was not going to be enough…

Sure enough the release date was drawing near, so I had a discussion with Madformers, and we believed that it was because of the secrecy of the movie, so people were not showing up because they need to see what the progress is, thus we decided to release what we had so far as Part 1…

===5.       ''The release ===

Part 1 was released on April 5, 2014… to a lot of positive reviews. Mainly from followers and Rick Roll’d production people… the movie did get some strange reviews, like they were positive, but strange, like the criticism was mainly out of context and they complained about the style the movie was going for… I won’t say who wrote these reviews because I don’t want people reading to go after them or anything…

Now I have convinced myself this is because of the fact that, this movie was going to be 1 big chunk, also the incidents were still quite fresh in my mind as well as others’… so the movie will’ve likely been affected by that…

However part of those reviews in a way didn’t go unnoticed and they have affected where we were going to go with the movie, because even something as small as this, changing it would seriously affect the movie, so to avoid risk of changing the plot drastically, I’ve had to use “quick-fixes”, which will make a lot of people mad for various reasons.

But that was before we began filming Part 2…

===6.       ''Trying to film Part 2 ===

O.M.G… filming part 2 was a disaster! I posted the shout, waited at the set, waited for upto half an hour to an hour at one point before an actor arrived… and it was TEDOG1232… of course a loyal actor, always around when you need him…

Thanks TEDOG…

TEDOG: No problem, Rickety…

… … … OK apparently TEDOG has a cameo in this post… … … 0_o

Now he’d show up, and we’d wait for others… after another half an hour… maybe, just maybe Mastergyrooman would show up, but then another long wait would come and go, nobody else would’ve shown up…

Until I partied people and said “Oi, filming… need help plez” or something like that…

Filming what we got of Part 2 was slow-going… now at first it wasn’t do bad, the main reason we didn’t film that much at first was because I was both Job-hunting and a Comic Con was coming up.

It was after that we really knuckled down into filming… and nobody came… after weeks and weeks, we barely got 5 minutes of Part 2 done, and at this moment in time, its still sitting at 5:01… out of a planned 25 minutes… and no matter how many actors are online, they just won’t budge… I recently got so desperate I started going to the places they were at, only for them to immeidatley leave as soon as my username showed up…

I partied, others… they both left the party and went offline after they did what they were doing…

We went from an almost full server during the day of the incidents, to now close to nobody wants to act in my movies anymore… even Mastergyrooman isn’t showing up at my sets anymore… and that has me concerned…

Then sure enough, it got worst…

===7.       ''Main cast walk out ===

When I say walk out… I mean “walk out” as in the community, not the movie… then again the movie is made by this community so… I guess that applies too.

Early on Gamerwalk was hardly ever online, because he ended up getting driven away from the community for reasons I will not discuss, EVER! So I had easily recast his character for Olliekins, which wasn’t hard, because I know he’d get the job done and he did a great job filling in for him in the previous Part and what we filmed for Part 2…

However, a few days ago… the female lead Zyphra officially quit, and put herself out of contact with pretty much everyone in Robloxiwood, I have no clue of the reasons and I’ve tried to contact her myself… nothing, and her Roblox character has the famous “I Quit” shirt on…

That is a serious problem, as she was the only Actor/Actress who was sticking to their roles, I think she was doing a marvellous job as Joyce Devine, so to have her quit is extremely mystifying… it’s a problem because recasting her would be extremely difficult. Because my company has no Leading Lady to look to and I don’t think anybody who does want to film with me would want to be remembered as someone who cross-dressed for a dramatic epic…

Then again, Lazyjtac didn’t seem to mind, in fact he always used to volunteer before I asked...

Then Panthermaster47 walked out of my studio, because he decided once again to lash out at me about the entire Princeofsun2380 incident, and continued to defend him… finally stating that he was right, I was a Hypocrite…

I responded by asking him at how Prince complaining about the lack of his name on a poster, makes me a Hypocrite… and to make my point, I reminded him about the desperate forum posts calling for cast to help with filming, where he went and posted about how “Unneeded” he felt…

After sharing this post with the other Directors, and looking at previous shouts on the group wall, we decided that he was just someone who was being narcissist, and before I could fire him; I found out he had already quit…

So the actor for Takashi Watanabe had left…

===Back to the present ===

Man, I don’t think any of Caps and Cos’s rant posts have been quite this long, but there you go, that’s all the details I can remember… and yeah it sucks keeping that in my brain for a long period of time, so I put it all out on this blog because…

“This is information the world needs to know!”

Man, I love Benedict Cumberbatch in that movie… even if it was flawed… :3

So yeah, now that I’ve spent the last 2000 words explaining to you everything that has happened over the last few months, it now comes down to this…

“Is it really worth at least trying to get this movie done?”

Well when you look at it this way, it wouldn’t be a bad thing to get the entire movie done, but it would be pretty much bruised, dented and covered in scratches… because if there is any hope of salvaging this movie, it’s going to be by support of dedicated fans of not just Rick Roll’d productions, but the entire community as a whole.

But it will also require, a recasting of many of the characters, including the main female lead, which I would prefer an actual female to portray… no offence to those guys who volunteer but, it gets creepy after a while… urrg.

So much has not been going well for this movie, and I’ve now gotten to the stage in time where, I should’ve wrapped this movie up by now, because my next project begins production towards the end of this month, and I cannot delay on that… and of course, I’m now getting really sick of trying to bring this thing to life…

In the end I’ve come down to this decision, I’m leaving it up to you kind readers. If you want to show your support for this project, if you have twitter, if you can kindly tweet this:


Depending on the success of that, I may get the motivation back to continue with this movie, but only after VS: The Common Enemy Part 1 has come out.

If you don’t have twitter, that’s fine, just comment “Save Dream Clouds” and if you wish to add a little message, then feel free…

Now this isn’t me giving up on the movie, I don’t want to give up on something both myself and Mad have put a lot of time and effort into getting together on paper only to end up failing because of a large number of reasons… but at this point, I’m no longer motivated…

Any support that any reader is willing to give- will help me to get the motivation back.

Well I’m pooped, I’ve been working on the draft of this for the last couple of days, and I’ve finally decided to finish it. So without starting yet another endless story I should probably end the post here.

Thank you guys very much for reading, and remember if you really want to help get Dream Clouds going again, then please show your support by tweeting or commenting #SaveDreamClouds, and give your reasons as to why…

So come on guys and girls! Show your support, and get me the motivation back to finish what could potentially become, what I hope to become… a Robloxiwood Masterpiece… which at this point in time, most people, are tragically not yet ready for…

So yeah that’s everything for real this time, thank you guys once again for reading and see you laters!


**REMEMBER -> #SaveDreamClouds – Get it trending**
