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The Rescind Universe: Genesis

What is this? Not another blog post, dangit!


The poster for Elegies.

First of all, I made this a blog post because it is extremely relevant to the series; it's more than just film advice. I'd prefer not to post it in the forum, as the blog post formatting is kinda necessary here, as well as the fact it involves Elegies so much. Consider this part-announcement, part-explanation. There are no spoilers. I don't explain any symbolism. But I feel like the importance of some things are undermined solely because references aren't understood - this has been told to be by multiple people as well as my co-writer.

Before we begin, I'd like to say that everything in this blog post is explained in the prologues: either Earthmover or Bloodhail. This blog post is for those of you that feel still don't understand what's going on after watching both multiple times. Again, everything here can be found in the prologues. However, due to how the Archangels speak, I feel some of it went over a few people's head. That, and Bloodhail picks up after Darkvalk and Rescind, so for those of you who have seen neither, it may be confusing. The trick to this series is that it assumes the viewer already knows everything. I don't like treating my viewers like they're stupid, but maybe I should've explained more. 

Feel free to jump around in the blog post. I wrote it for you. I tried to explain as simple as possible and as fluently as possible. If you're only confused on the angels and not the storyline, skip to the What Do You Mean section. If you're confused on what exactly the Deathconsciousness is, skip to the second. If the story confuses you, read the first. Take your time and soak in what you need to. Comment any questions you have. 

Superheroes Everywhere? The World is Collapsing? What Happened?[]

Rescind III ended. Mike disappeared. Darkvalk began. Hyperblue began. Years pass. Earthmover begins, Bloodhail begins.

Basically, to understand the current situation is to understand the Rescind Universe. Some of this is explained in Elegies, but if it's not clear now, I'll explain. Mike Hike was the start. It was about people with superpowers. But it goes further than that.

For eons, humans have had superpowers. Some useless, some unbelievably powerful. Some have the ability but can never utilize it (like a reactive disease, in some people, it must be activated, or triggered by another event, in this cause it's usually trauma). This has been the case not long before Jesus was born, and remained hidden as witchcraft allegations and alleged demonic possesion would be punishable by execution. In Godheads, which may just serve as Mike Hike's backstory rather than another reboot, the angel Zephon reveals to Justinian in Rome that he has such a power. Justinian suddenly grasps it, but does not know why he has it. But, as previously stated, he keeps it hidden. Little does Justinian know that his family line will play a major role later; Justinian is the ancestor of Mike Hike (or Mike Ashcraft, as he likes to call himself now). This is further explained in Elegies.

As for the powered humans, Archangel refers to these as the blesséd ones; their power was bestowed to them by unnatural, likely holy, means. The powers carry like a gene throughout generations, so not every member of a generation can use said gene, but some can.

Now, let's jump forward. As time moves on, these superheroes become more and more prominent, eventually breaking into public attention around the time Mike Hike starts. Let's jump forward more. Rescind III ends, Mike disappeared. But something isn't right. The world is in shambles from the Rescind series, and later, from Anhedonia. A character destroyed much of the world in Rescind III, followed by The One destroying nearly everything left in Anhedonia/Hyperblue reboot. There's no more countries. Only city-states and loosely kept "republics" with no real meaning to the word.

So now we're caught up. Humanity has been almost completely destroyed. That is the state we're in. Darkvalk's city-state is in shambles (hint: Darkvalk takes place after Rescind III). People have all but abandoned the streets in Anhedonia. Humans have lost hope. But they're losing more than that. They've accepted the spirit of the Adversary, Satan, in their hearts, and sin uncontrollably. Speaking of sin- remember how superheroes gained public attention? Well, when Malice attacked, and the The One, humans grew cautious of those with superpowers. Too cautious. They began executing them by the masses, as seen when Astra witnesses an execution on the street.

The heroes with the more powerful powers keep to themselves (they'd surely go on a killing spree against a hunting party) but those who can't take on more than one at a time, or anybody at all, are left defenseless as humans hunt them down. Unfortunately for the superheroes, having a useless power is much more common than a useful one. You don't see a Mike every day. You don't see a Xavier or Hyperblue every day. The majority of them are like Tu'si; powers that are useful, but against one person they aren't. Due to their low range, low power, or simple inability to perform, they're useless. This makes swamping on superhumans easy for hunting parties. As a result, hunting parties kill and form mass graves of superhumans. They plunder, pillage, raze, and publicly execute superhumans. Humanity has turned on them completely.

So, why are humans hunting the superheroes? Besides their distrust of superhumans, in Earthmover, Uriel detects a presence. Uriel tells the other angels, Michael grows concerned, and they set up a plan without involving the Almighty (this is for a reason, yet it's a spoiler). However, while their plan is in action, Archangel spots something, which I'll explain later. While this is happening, Tu'si meets Astra and reveals to her that she has powers as a notion of trust. She gains Astra's attention, then leads her back to her base; a base with a tree, bookshelves, and room. Much to Astra's surprise, the hero of legend sits there, beer in hand: Mike Hike. Suddenly, Archangel locates Mike and tells him that Heaven has been attacked. End of Bloodhail. 

What is The Deathconsciousness?[]

"Knowing that an individual death is meaningless - any individual death, especially your own - that you are not a person, but a statistic [and being aware of the lives] of authors in their rooms, scribbling out desperate words in the backs of books no one will ever read - even [awareness of] the shattering of molecular bonds, the disintegration of atomic structures, happening in every moment, millions in each nanosecond, everywhere - This is the Deathconsciousness - and it begs the question: what is the point?"

I mentioned Uriel detected a prescence. This is it. The Deathconsciousness is a primordial force in the universe. Like The One, he comes from the depths of unexplored space, and travels very slowly (likely due to his size). To break it down in simple terms, consider what God himself is. Goodness, redemption, salvation- all of that, right? Well, Satan fell from Heaven and became evil. But, hold on- Satan is not the evil. Still following me? Satan turned evil, he's not the original evil. Evil had to already exist. Just as Saint Michael is good because good in the form of God exists, Evil had to exist for Satan to turn to it. And if God is goodness, then The Deathconsciousness is wretched. The Deathconsciousness is the opposite of God himself, with all the force to create and destroy as he pleases. But, he is sinful, so he is filled with imperfections; he is dumb, slow, and ultimately, not too unlike a robot that follows a simple command (contrary to God, who is infinitely complex). 


Archangel talking about The Deathconsciousness.

Back to Uriel. He detected a prescence. This prescence was the DC. The DC is massive. He is complete sin and evil. Uriel sits in his throne in the sun and watches space endlessly, so for Uriel to detect something is for all hell to break loose. This "something" that Uriel detects is The Deathconsciousness' unholiness. Ever heard someone say they "feel the Holy spirit" and start crying or dancing or something because he's so powerful? 

Well, what if the opposite affected you the same way? Just much slower. Much more progressive. Much more evil. The Deathconsciousness is drawing closer to Earth. And as he comes closer, his effect is more pronounced; humans grow more sinful. A lot more sinful. So, unaware of his presence, the Archangels gather together in Earthmover. Archangel actually suspects the Revelation of Saint John is upon them, but Michael proves him wrong. Something very different is causing Man to become sinful, wretched, and fiendish. Many times in history have certain regions assault another in such an animalistic manner, but never before has the entire human race been corrupted in such a way. There are few who are not filled with resentment or misery, and those are either dead or in hiding. 

To explain it simpler: Consider The Deathconsciousness to be like a nuclear blast. The difference is the center of the blast is moving along with the radiation from the blast. The nuclear radiation from the blast deforms the human race; as the blast draws closer, the radiation gets stronger. But the radiation is the urge to sin, and the blast is The Deathconsciousness. Just like Nuclear Radiation, the Deathconsciousness' sin infects and deforms humans, but it deforms their sense of morality. 

The Deathconsciousness is a dark, maculate, unholy mist. This mist covers the entire world in sin and sorrow. His influence is so profound that even superhumans have taken to attacking each other. Hunting parties clash with the more powerful heroes as humanity rips itself to shreds. Humanity has fallen into chaos. It's the Rescind's team job to restore it. 

Bascially this: God is all-loving, and all-good. The Deathconsciousness is the exact opposite, but still nigh omnipotent. Ultimately, the Deathconsciousness' goal is simply what the quote at the beginning and his name suggests. He is Death. And he begs the question: what is the point?

(Also, in the movie they call DC an 'it' not a he -- I don't care).

What Do You Mean It Might've Gone Over Our Heads?[]

Ever read of The Book of Tobit? Do you know the literal definition of 'Michael'? Wondering why there's so much thunder everywhere? No clue what in God's Green Earth 'Wormwood' is? You've come to the right place.

Now, this section will be a little different. I'll list out some of the religious icons, references, figures and angels and explain what they mean or what they represent. Without a knowledge on angels and a good long read of Genesis and Revelation, it can get confusing. There's a million different religious references in Elegies. Sit back and enjoy. Or something.


Archangel reflects on the events in Heaven.

  • Archangel (Ranking): an angel of highest ranking power (despite being second lowest on the hierarchy). Michael, Uriel, Barakiel, Lukahmel (or, to us, Archangel), Gabriel, Raphael, Selaphiel are Christian Archangels with the power to destroy entire universes. With them are two Jewish archangels, Mattatron and Sandalphon. To expand on their power: each Archangel has a throne. Each is seated next to God the Father Himself. Except for Uriel; Uriel's throne is in the middle of the sun. Yes, that big burning ball of gas and plasma. Uriel reclines in it because he is just that powerful. These angels mean business, and having one on your side isn't that much of a step-down from having God on your side.
  • Archangel (Character): Lukahmel, known to Noak and everyone else as Archangel, is the Archangel of Praise. He was a human named Lucas Eskel before replaced a fallen angel not long before the Mike Hike series began. After going through an Enoch-esque transition, Archangel adapted to Heaven and became a full-fledged Archangel- one with human in him. But Archangel's power extends as far as the others, causing him to stay out of combat. If someone were able to get a hold of Archangel's powers, the wrong person (hint), then everything would fall apart. However, Archangel fights in certain points. That is all I will say.
  • Wormwood: Double meaning. When Sandalphon uses it in Earthmover, he's referring to a literal star that crashes into Earth during Saint John's Revelation. When Archangel mentions The Deathconsciousness as the harbinger of Wormwood, he's referring to a state of intense sorrow and dilapidation (essentially saying that the DC will bring all of this). This has a double meaning due to Revelation being allegorical. 
  • Castiel: First off, something's wrong. You should probably be very worried if Castiel is helping you. Castiel is the Angel of Tears and Sorrow, and he rarely intervenes unless instructed otherwise, meaning this situation is serious. He spends his days watching men kill themselves and widows weep alone. He feels nothing but faith, determination, and remorse. Hardened, Castiel is forlorn and disciplined angel, and one of Archangel's lieutenants. He is significantly stronger than your regular angel, making even one of the Princes of Hell cower in his prescence. 
  • Angelic Lieutenants: Each Christian Archangel (Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Archangel, Barakiel, Selaphiel, and Uriel) have Angelic Lieutenants. When an Archangel needs something done in a timely manner, prepares to fight, or needs information quickly, he call upon his Lieutenants. They aid the Archangel in whatever task he requires. Archangel's are: Castiel, Zephon, Zerachiel, Nuriel and Delukiel.
  • The Importance of Genesis: In Rescind: Elegies, Genesis plays a huge role in the themes, symbolism, character progression, and the dilapidation of Man as a whole. Genesis is referenced numerous times in Elegies, but not much in Earthmover or Bloodhail. However, Elegies expounds upon Genesis much more. If you are really curious, read Genesis before watching Elegies. Adam. The Tower of Babel. The explusion of Satan. It's important. All of it. And I will leave that at that. 
  • St. John's Revelation: This is a popular one, but often misunderstood. The Revelation of Saint John is large, but for the purpose of Elegies we'll cover this: during Revelation, seven trumpets are blown. Each one signals another step towards the end of the world. Michael fights Satan and vanquishes him, and at the end, God creates an immaculte Jerusalem. There is no rapture. There's no Jesus riding through Earth on a chariot. The angels battle Satan, trap him, destroy Earth, rescue souls from Purgatory, and praise God's holy nature. So, if you hear a trumpet go off, especially in the world Rescind is in, something very, very, very, serious is happening.
  • Thunder, Earthquakes and Wind: It's a sound effect, one that happens often. But I feel the importance of thunder flies over ones head all too often. "Thunder? Cool, I guess." No, my dude. In the Bible, God uses thunder/lightning to punish and smite those who go against him or attempt to impede him. It's a sign of God's ire. Now, when Archangel uses thunder or causes and earthquake, it is a display of his raw power. The elements are Archangel's playtoy. Cause and Earthquake here, a thunderstorm there, gusting wind here- Archangel needn't lift a finger. To reference Paradise Lost, when Michael and Satan fight, the power of their swords and shields is enough to blow up starts and planets. Fire, lightning and sulfur explodes from the collision as they battle. The Archangels are nigh omnipotent, and their manipulation of these forces proves it so. Forces that bring humans to their knees are just playthings to Archangels. Do not underestimate how powerful they are. It plays a big role.
  • Mattatron and His Books: Mattatron is a jewish Archangel. He was once Enoch, an ancestor of Noah, but has since transcended and become the scribe of Heaven. He has immense power. The only one who surpasses Mattatron in power besides God is Michael. He is also the "Son of Man"; the result of Man's actions. The one who will ultimately lead the world into Revelation (although we're going with Christanity so Michael's gonna do it). He holds the tomes of forbidden knowledge to Man; the books. These books contain God's knowledge. While it is not infinite like His knowledge, it contains things that Man is not ready for until the time has come. Mattatron could very well open one of the books and kill everyone. He is absurdly powerful.
  • St. Michael the Taxiarch: The angel whose name literally means "Who is like unto God?" Michael has enormous, ineffable and ultimately unquestionably power. God himself even manifests as Michael in the Bible on multiple occasions. If Michael is involved, something big is going down, and not something good by any means. Michael expelled Satan from Heaven, and later, in SotF, the archangel (now archfiend) Ramiel. He avoids getting involved in the Rescind universe, as well as the other angels, because Archangel instructs him to stay on the sidelines. Archangel's reasoning for this is that Man has gotten themselves into this mess, and Archangel (once a man himself) will help lead them out. "Taxiarch" is a deference to a Greek military rank- it means brigadier. Michael is God's Taxiarch, and his purpose is to fight in the name of the Lord, and fight he can.
  • Satan (or lack thereof): One thing that will inevitably be brought up is the abscence of Satan during Humanity's most vulenerable time. Well, Satan is a coward. One that only cares about himself. He may rule Hell, but his hands are not only full from the mass exodus of souls into Hell, but the Primordial form of Evil has risen, making Satan completely and utterly irrelevant. Satan is mortified by The Deathconsciousness. It almost seems like something is off, doesn't it? Like the Deathconsciousness's power is something unexpected. You'll see.
  • Character Symbolism: Remember your bibilical monarchs. David. Judith. They're represented in Elegies. That is, again, all I will say. 
  • God: Everyone knows this, but the biggest question that will be asked is "why isn't God doing anything?" Take a step back. Archangels are intervening. Demons keep to themselves (albeit, it's due to fear of the Deathconsciousness) and unholy Men still go to Hell. God is active. More active than I let you know in this post. It's up to you to find out just how active he is. It's not what you think it is.
  • The Use of Latin: Latin is a prominent language in the Heavenly Realm. Unfortunately, Sony Vegas does not mesh well with Hebrew (which would make more sense) and I do not know Hebrew, so the angels speak Latin (which is good enough). When you hear an angel speak Latin, like Ave Deus! Morituri te salutant, it usually has great importance. Whether it be foreboding or a harkening, Latin signifies a distinct seriousness and urgency within the angels. In Heaven, the angels speak English (as I only know English and Latin, and my viewers speak English) but when they speak directly to God or pray deeply, it is always Latin. Basically, Latin = Pure, Raw, Power and/or Serious stuff my dude.

There will likely be more added before the night is over, but for now, here are some things that rely on the viewer heavily. If you haven't read Paradise Lost or the First and Last book fo the Bible, you would've not understood next to any of this. If you did, then I am just too concerned and this blog post was useless. Whatever, though.

The Resurrection? []

It's no spoiler by now that Noak is revived by Archangel. Does it kill suspense? No. Well, how? When a character dies and is brought back to life, doesn't that remove the threat of death? Not always. This is a part I feel would be confusing if you didn't read the dialogue carefully, so I will lay it out; God never intended life to start again. Once you die, you go to Puragtory, Hell, or Heaven. That's it. The afterlife. There is no returning to Earth (unless you believe in a denomination that says humans become angels) under any circumstances. 

Take a step back. Archangels are the most powerful beings next to God, right? Well, if the best ally that the Rescind team has is an archangel, then they're in pretty good hands. However, if they were to lose that Archangel, it would end in travesty. The End of the World. We've got that, right? No Archangel = No more people. Now,  back to Noak getting revived, then. 

Archangel revives Noak with the help of Raphael, the healing Archangel. Confused, Noak asks how this is possible. Archangel expounds. In a nuthsell, he explains to Noak that he knew the Lord would be extremely, extremely angry if Archangel broke the rules just for Noak. However, if he brought Noak back for a good reason and it worked, God would not be angry. Basic, stuff, right? Well, let's consider if Noak fails. Unlike Dragon Ball Z, there is no more bringing back to life after this. If Noak dies, Archangel loses his angelic power and descends to Hell as his penance for disobeying God. 

So the weakest character on our team cannot die, because if he does, that wold mean Archangel has failed and disobeyed God. If he disobeys God, he will be punished, and this punishment is being stripped of Archangel status and thrown into Hell. If Archangel is thrown into Hell, then the Rescind team definitely has no chance against the Deathconsciousness. And if they have no chance... well, you know. It all ties together. 

So... What's the Basic Version? (TL;DR)[]

Rescind: Elegies makes use of the entire cinematic universe as well as the Bible in order to tell its story. Humans are hunting superhumans as best as they can. The Deathconsciousness is a powerful antagonist that pushes Men to sin, and the Archangels (as a ranking) are powerful as well—powerful enough to stop it with help. In Rescind, anything could happen once we've involved Archangels and God himself, but we don't know what will happen or why it will happen. 

Elegies is a big ol' film. Everything here you can pick up on by watching Earthmover or Bloodhail, or with a simple Google. But I tried to make a single resource for it.

In Conclusion[]

Rescind: Elegies is a complex film. This blog post was made just for you to read then watch the movie. I would prefer you watch Earthmover or Bloodhail, as well as read the Bible. Hopefully, you'll want to read it to get a better grasp on it. Elegies has 70 pages of notes. I compressed the themes and allegories down into 3-4 pages. There's way more notes. I want you all, the viewers, to watch it and come away from it with just as many notes on what it might be trying to say. 

I hope you watch it and you cry. I hope you have an existential crisis. I hope you reconsider your foundational beliefs. I hope you feel a sense of death. I hope you watch Elegies over and over and pick up every single line of personal dialogue I put in there, every single sadistic (or masochistic) line of dialogue and reflect on it. I hope you contemplate on what could've possibly happened to all of these characters -- that were drawn from real experience -- to make them so broken and hopeless, and I hope that thought haunts you. And then, after all of this, I hope you smile and say nothing more than "thank you."

But these are little rip off legos, aren't they? So....

I hope you enjoy the movie and understand it better now.

That is all.
